Contact Us

General Information, Questions and Support
Please send your email here for general information or issues, questions about our site, company, for our staff and offices, or just basic site support. Most email should be sent here. Please allow an appropriate amount of time for a response. We try to answer all emails within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. IMPORTANT: Please make sure your email client is properly configured to 'whitelist' our domain ( in order that our reply makes it through any spam filters.
Consulting Services and Inquiries
This email address should be used if you have a specific food & beverage, hospitality industry or nightlight and entertainment question or if you are considering a professional consultant's services for your business. As always, if we can't help, we'll help you figure out who CAN! We only care about finding you the best overall fit for your individual needs. Each entrepreneur and/or business is different. Please allow an appropriate amount of time for a response. We try to answer all emails within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. IMPORTANT: Please make sure your email client is properly configured to 'whitelist' our domain ( in order that our reply makes it through any spam filters.
Advertising, Promotions & Marketing Services
If you are interested in arranging an advertising schedule or scheme with our website, would like to set up a promotion or market on our website, please send your correspondence to this address. We can also speak to you further about advertising, promoting and marketing your business in a host of other ways. Please allow an appropriate amount of time for a response. We try to answer all emails within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. IMPORTANT: Please make sure your email client is properly configured to 'whitelist' our domain ( in order that our reply makes it through any spam filters.
Webmaster Issues: Content, SEO and Linking
Please send all technical support emails to our webmaster at this address. Issues such as linking and/or backlinking to our site, broken links, browser incompatibilties, navigation issues, content and image issues, and file, wiki, code and copy source issues, etc. Please allow an appropriate amount of time for a response. We try to answer all emails within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. IMPORTANT: Please make sure your email client is properly configured to 'whitelist' our domain ( in order that our reply makes it through any spam filters.