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15 Important Guest Signals - Section Three:
Serving Bar and Pub Guests that are Waiting

3. "The Leaner" a.k.a "Tippy-Toes"
We all know the variations of tricks and techniques for getting your bartending attention are virtually endless. Including, but not limited to: leaning, climbing, snapping, clapping, whistling, and, our favorite, the "Sea-Faring Fisherman's Category 5 Distress Signal Wave." Whatever the cue, it is a definitive one meaning: "I need help!" The remedy? Get over there and make it happen without critiquing your guest's form, even if they have somehow given the Cirque du Soleil gymnasts a run for their money.
We all know the variations of tricks and techniques for getting your bartending attention are virtually endless. Including, but not limited to: leaning, climbing, snapping, clapping, whistling, and, our favorite, the "Sea-Faring Fisherman's Category 5 Distress Signal Wave." Whatever the cue, it is a definitive one meaning: "I need help!" The remedy? Get over there and make it happen without critiquing your guest's form, even if they have somehow given the Cirque du Soleil gymnasts a run for their money.
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